LCD Watercolor In Odessa


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Novyy ZHK Akvarel' raspolozhen mezhdu ulits Il'fa i Petrova Vil'yamsa i pr Nebesnoy Sotni pr Marshala Zhukova v Kiyevskom rayone . On sostoit iz trekh domov vysotnost'yu v 16 etazhey Na kryshe kazhdogo doma nakhoditsya sobstvennaya kotel'naya V kvartirakh vypolnyayetsya dopolnitel'naya shumoizolyatsiya erkernoye ostekleniye v oknakh ustanovleny metalloplastikovyye steklopakety s 5 kamernym profilem i 3mya steklami. Na etazhakh raspolozheny skorostnyye lifty firmy OtisShikarnoye raspolozheniye kompleksa obespechivayet zhiteley vsem neobkhodimym shkoly detskiye sady gipermarkety Epitsentr i Metro supermarkety rynki zapravki apteki . SDYUSHOR Chernomorets Udobnaya transportnaya razvyazkaTak kak rayon aktivno zastraivayetsya to cherez neskol'ko let tut budet tselyy zhiloy massiv s novoy infrastrukturoy . Ещё 754 / 5 000 Результаты перевода The new residential complex Akvarel is located between Ilf and Petrov Williams streets and Heavenly Hundred pr Marshal Zhukov in the Kiev region. It consists of three houses with a height of 16 floors. Each house has its own boiler room on the roof. Additional noise insulation is provided in the apartments. Bay windows are equipped with metal-plastic double-glazed windows with 5 chamber profiles and 3 glasses. On the floors there are high-speed elevators of the Otis company. The chic location of the complex provides residents with everything necessary, schools, kindergartens, epicenter hypermarkets and Metro supermarkets, markets, gas stations, pharmacies. SDUSHOR Chernomorets Convenient transport interchange Since the area is being actively built up, in a few years there will be a whole residential area with new infrastructure.
