1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 2
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 3
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 4
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 5
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 6
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 7
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 8
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 9
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 10
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 11
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 12
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 13

All photos

1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 14
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 15
1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²) - Atlanta.ua - photo 16

1-room apartment apartment by the address st. Chekhova (area 36 m²)Object's code:259157

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40 000 $

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Number of rooms


Total area

36 m²

Living area

20 m²

Kitchen area

9 m²



Number of storeys



After full repair

Balcony type


Building material type

Aerated concrete

Type of bathroom

shared shower

Ceiling height


Object RC


Type of kitchen


Layout type


Water type

Water pipes


Предлагается к продаже 1 комнатная квартира в сданном кирпичном доме у моря.
Выполнен современный ремонт из качественных материалов.
Автономное отопление, установлен газовый котел.
Продается с мебелью и бытовой техникой.
Двор покрыт тротуарной плиткой, есть детская площадка. Рядом торгово- развлекательный центр "Ривьера", через дорогу лес и море, хорошая транспортная развязка
Морское побережье и отличные загородные пляжи, которые отмечены наградой "Голубой флаг" за чистоту и экологичность в пешей доступности, один из лучших пляжей "Яхта".
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Tatyana - Atlanta.ua


Realty center 2-Y SUVOROVSKIY

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