$ 600
(Rent price)
Total square:
Аренда фасадного помещения 59м.кв. Фасадный вход с ул. Семинарской. Два смежных кабинета 22 м.кв. и 21 м.кв. , кухня, санузел...
$ 238
Офис из двух кабинетов 25 и 23 кв.м. Расположен на четвертом этаже административного здания. Отдельный с/у. ...
$ 10 000
Аренда помещения под любой вид деятельности. Офис, салон и другое. 52 квадратных метра, два кабинета, подсобное помещение. Большое витринное окно...
$ 502
The store is located near a public transport stop. Facade entrance and window, 30 sq.m. room. Shutters, air conditioning, alarm...
$ 358
The office is located on the fourth floor of the business center. There is a reception area, 2 offices, and...
$ 685
Office on the 4th floor of a business center. Room and bathroom. Furniture can be provided. Non-cash payment, legal address...
$ 800
Office consisting of two rooms, located on the 6th floor of a business center. The rental price for the first...
$ 299
Офис расположен на четвертом этаже бизнес-центра. Приемная, кабинет, с/у с душем. Безналичный расчет...
$ 520
Office on the fourth floor of the business center. 2 offices and a bathroom. Central air conditioning, fire alarm and...
Office space for rent 60 sq.m. in a business center. The office is located on the 2nd floor, open layout...
$ 328
Офис на четвертом этаже бизнес-центра. Приемная и 2 раздельных кабинета. Безналичный расчет...
Non-residential premises on the ground floor. Open layout. For rent after renovation for the first time. Possible to rent 55...
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