$ 39 000
($1 021/m²)
Floor/Number of storeys:
Total square:
I am selling a cozy 1-room apartment in the residential town of Artville. Located on a high first floor. The...
$ 47 000
Residential complex "Art Ville", located on Ovidiopolskaya Road in close proximity to the "Seventh Kilometer" market, supermarkets and hypermarkets. Two-bedroom...
$ 28 000
Residential complex "Art Ville" is located on Ovidiopolskaya Road in close proximity to the "Seventh Kilometer" market. Compact 2-bedroom apartment...
$ 25 000
For sale a smart apartment in a new developing residential complex Artville. The apartment is sold with a full renovation...
$ 17 500
Unique landscape architectural project in Ukraine using a "capsule park". Among the capsules are: - playgrounds for children and teenagers;...
$ 34 300
($1 492/m²)
For sale: one-bedroom apartment in the Artville residential complex, located in the 7 km district. The apartments are offered with...
$ 45 300
For sale is a one-room apartment in the Artville residential complex located 7 km away. The apartments are offered with...
$ 47 300
One-bedroom apartment for sale in the residential complex Artville, located in the 7 km district. The apartments are available with...
$ 35 000
Предлагается к продаже полноценная 1-комн. квартира в жилом городке "Артвиль" на 7 км Овидиопольской дороги. Здесь можно комфортно жить, работать...
$ 30 000
For sale is a fully equipped 1-bedroom apartment in the residential complex Artville, located 7 km from the Ovidiopolska road...
$ 20 898
Продается уютная квартира в сердце нового Жилого Комплекса ARTVILLE. В квартире будет современный евроремонт, поэтому вы сможете сразу наслаждаться комфортом...
($1 000/m²)
Эта квартира площадью 30 кв. м доступна в рассрочку. Она уже имеет ремонт и кондиционер, что создает уютные условия. Окна...
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